Food production

Partnership with universities and with the people:

  • Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) agreements were signed with the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and the Federal Fluminense University (UFF) to restructure food production in the city.
  • With the Rural University, the Inova Agroecologia Maricá project was developed with a focus on agroecological food production. It includes the supply of seedlings, seeds, training and technical advice to farmers.
  • The Federal Fluminense develops the Ciamar project applying new technology in food production based on animal protein and its production chain, from feed production to frozen products.
  • Community gardens – land regularization with the allocation of public areas for cooperative food production and technical support to farmers.

Inova Agroecology Maricá

Inova Agroecologia Maricá aims to recover and restructure food production in Maricá, focusing on agroecological and organic production suitable for small farms.

Courses – training

Family farmers and cooperative members receive training in soil management, organic crops, marketing and micromechanization.

New ways to increase income in the countryside are also addressed, such as the production of flowers and functional gardens that add value (by selling seedlings, flowers and arrangements) and are important to attract pollinators and other insects to production.

New cultivars

Cultivars that are better adapted to Maricá’s climate and soil are being introduced to the city’s countryside. These include genetically improved sugar cane, special sweet potatoes, types of beans, fruits such as pitaya and many types of rice and tomatoes of different colors and shapes.

Seedlings and seeds are available for free.

In addition to pest resistance and climate adaptations, the market value of each product is considered. Blue tomatoes, red rice and purple sweet potatoes are some of the products that, due to their distinctive appearance, become exclusive ingredients, sought mainly by more refined restaurants, increasing the value obtained from the sale of the produce.


Producers who take part in the courses offered by Inova Agroecologia Maricá can count on consulting with agronomists from the renowned UFRRJ, asking questions and obtaining advice on agroecology for free, just by contacting the Inova team and scheduling an appointment.


Recently, Inova Agroecologia Maricá brought together farmers and chefs at the Joaquín Piñero Public Farm in Espraiado, where most of the courses offered by Inova take place. Agronomists spoke to the producers about growing sweet potatoes and cassava, from soil management to harvesting.


Later, the farmers took part in a food tasting activity the products made by Inova. The environment provided contact between the producers and the kitchen professionals, through the Maricá Gastronomic Route, a collective that brings together the city’s main restaurants. The initiative promotes direct sales from producers to businesspeople, reducing middlemen, bringing fresher food to restaurants and greater profitability to the countryside.


Technological innovation in the production of shrimp in captivity in partnership with the Fluminense Federal University. The crustaceans are cultivated in a way that causes the least possible environmental impact, with water reuse. The tanks are located on the Joaquín Piñero Public Farm and, besides increases food production, it also employs local labor.

Water quality is regulated using bio-inputs and bioflocs, bacteria that guarantee the best environment for the shrimp. The number of shrimps is greater per area occupied than in traditional farming. The system can be replicated in cities that do not have a coastline, providing a wide market for the technology developed.


The Farm Nossa Senhora do Amparo, in Caju, is being renovated to build tanks for tilapia production combined with hydroponic vegetable production. The idea is that the vegetables will use the nutrients present in the fish waste, helping to cycle the water, keeping it within specific standards for the fish.

Feed Factory

Shrimp and tilapia need food. Part of the Ciamar complex is a feed factory that was built next to the shrimp ponds in Espraiado, with the capacity to feed all the shrimp and tilapia, as well as providing a surplus that will be sold on the market, increasing the supply to other local producers and making production cheaper.

​The factory is expected to produce around 400 tons of product a year. The high-tech feed is formulated with functional additives and is an ally of fish farmers in order to increase the absorption of nutrients and contributing to the shrimp’s immunity, improving productivity and favoring the animals’ performance.

Filleting factory

The tilapia production will be processed in a filleting plant, increasing the value of the final product, which will already be taken to the market in the form of frozen fillets. The food production line will generate jobs for the local community

Frozen food factory

Shrimp production will be destined to the Frozen Food Innovation Center. This complex will have a 1,000 m2 laboratory unit that will produce shrimp snacks. such as pies, breads and dumplings. The Innovation Center will also have a gastronomy school to train young people, initially generating 100 direct jobs. The facility will also be built on the Joaquín Piñero Public Farm.

Community Gardens

Codemar transfers land used for food production and invests in farmers who don’t have land for planting, transforming public areas into organic food production points.

Manu Manuela

In Manu Manuela, about 30 farmers received permits for land use for farming a year ago. The producers receive training and courses through the Inova Agroecologia Maricá program.


In Cordeirinho, the community garden is already demarcated and agronomists from Inova Agroecologia Maricá are working with local farmers to prepare the soil. A broad analysis has been made and corrections are underway to increase productivity and product quality.



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