
MumbuCar, an innovative urban mobility app, connects passengers to taxi drivers in an efficient and unique way. Developed by Maricá City Hall, through Codemar and the Transportation Department, the project stands out for accepting payments with Mumbuca, the local social currency, and for not charging drivers any fees.

In this first phase, the app works with cabs and its operation is restricted to the city of Maricá. Taxi drivers registered with MumbuCar can make runs from Maricá to other cities, but the service is not available for calls outside the municipality.

MumbuCar is available to the general public. Users can download the MumbuCar app from the Play Store for Android devices.

The app works in a similar way to other mobility apps. Users can open the app, enter their destination and call a cab. As for payment with Mumbuca, initially cabs are receiving the amount at the end of the ride, which can be paid by card or via the mobile app used for Mumbuca transactions. In a second phase, the amount will be debited automatically.

For those who wish to pay by cash, debit or credit card, the process is the same, with the amount being paid at the end of the ride. A future option will allow you to register a card for automatic debit, similar to other mobility apps.

MumbuCar, algined with Maricá’s local legislation, serves taxi drivers, following the municipality’s specific rules for operating this service, differing from other forms of private mobility.

In November 2023, registration was opened for mototaxi drivers, which will increase the service offered by MumbuCar.

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