
The Itaipuaçu Mikroete represents an innovative milestone in sewage treatment in Brazil, being a unique plant in the whole country, with the pioneering use of natural microorganisms. This project, by the Maricá City Hall and carried out by Codemar in collaboration with Sanemar and the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), marks a new era in basic sanitation.

Mikroete’s operation is notable for its biological approach. The collected sewage goes through several stages, interacting with a community of natural microorganisms. These microorganisms, initially present in limited quantities in the sewage itself, are multiplied billions of times in the laboratory through an Integrated Microbiological Bioreactor. When they come into contact with sewage, these microorganisms play a crucial role in the oxidation of organic matter, achieving remarkable efficiency.

The effectiveness of the treatment is remarkable, eliminating odor and forming a minimum of sludge, with 98% removal of impurities. Moreover, the process is completely biological and does not affect the environment, as it uses natural microorganisms present locally.

Mikroete captures sewage by the traditional collection network method, which helps to reduce costs. Initially, the plant serves the residences of approximately 500 people in Itaipuaçu, representing the pioneering spirit of a series of revolutionary sewage treatment plants to come.

The use of this technology is not limited to Maricá and is considered a trend that can revolutionize sewage treatment on a large scale. The possibility of implementing this approach in existing sewage treatment plants is feasible, implying improvements to the structure at reduced costs.

Itaipuaçu’s Mikroete not only redefines basic sanitation standards, but also promises to be an exportable technology for other Brazilian cities. Studies in this direction are already underway, pointing to a comprehensive revolution in sewage treatment and “a game changer” in the history of this sector.

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