Technology Shed

EnglishProjectTechnology Shed

On May 23, 2023, the Maricá Technology Park was officially launched, marking the beginning of an initiative that aims to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. The Technological Shed of Maricá, first delivery of this project, has emerged as a space dedicated to the creation and incubation of novelties, functioning as an innovation factory and a nursery for new businesses.

Located in Inoã, at Avenida Gilberto Carvalho, 271, the Technological Shed, designed and delivered by Codemar, has as main objective to develop new ventures based on ideas connected to new technologies and solutions. Functioning as a collaborative environment, the shared space offers modern facilities, including a kitchen, bathroom, office, living area and Wi-Fi.

The Technology Shed will be occupied by innovative companies, professionals, universities and government representatives, promoting synergy between these sectors. This integration aims to provide technical, logistical, marketing and administrative support, as well as specialized consultancy, for both beginners and more experienced professionals.

Participants don’t have to stay at the Shed all the time, but it’s crucial that they use it as a basis for developing their ideas. In addition to daily interactions, regular events will be held to stimulate knowledge sharing.

Participation in the Technology Shed takes place through a selection process via public notice, open to both individuals and companies. The selection process was concluded in December 2023.

The management of the space and the support to the projects already in progress will be carried out by a specialized Codemar team, in partnership with project partners linked to entrepreneurship, technology and innovation.

Some of the first projects incubated by Codemar at the Technological Shed include The App Factory, Maricá Edutech and the Startup School.

The population can participate through the courses offered by Edutech and the Startup School, as well as periodic events aimed at involving the community.

The Maricá Technology Park, which will open in 2024, will occupy a large space in Ubatiba, serving as an environment for startups, small, medium and large companies, promoting technological and economic development in the region. Codemar has the consultancy of the Technology Park Association of São José dos Campos to guide the Technology Shed and the Maricá Technology Park, an entity recognized internationally for its innovative and effective practices.

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