The Codemar

EnglishAboutThe Codemar

The Maricá Development Company occupies a prominent position in this process of expanding and remodeling the city. It is a mixed-capital company created by Maricá City Hall in 2014 to carry out major projects that build today the sustainable city of tomorrow.

The company’s purpose is to draw up and execute strategic development projects for the municipality, articulating actions and public policies that look, at the same time, the well-being of citizens and the preservation of the environment.

The projects are based on innovation and development, looking ahead to the next 30 years. They are projects that prepare the city for the post-oil royalties era. Codemar’s main mission is to use this possibility of access to royalties in the present to create a new basis for the economy in the future.

The company has eight strategic axes of innovation: tourism; agrifood; technology; sustainable city; health; urban development and real estate market; industrial hub; and port.

Codemar works together with the different departments, institutes and other companies of the City Hall, either by leveraging its specific actions within each axis, or by directly executing or complementing some of them.

In virtually all Codemar projects, partnerships with universities based in Rio de Janeiro are crucial, especially with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Having created a territory of diverse academic experiences, the city has become a great laboratory for universities.

Today, Codemar has a crucial mission for the future of Maricá, investing in the modeling of the sustainable economy and creating new alternatives in this field.

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