Platform Mumbuca Verde

EnglishProjectPlatform Mumbuca Verde

Green Mumbuca is an environmental asset trading platform developed by Codemar, in partnership with Govtech Tesouro Verde. There are already around 40 investors who have joined the tool.

Recently, in November and December 2023, the platform was presented at COP-28, bringing business prospects for 2024.

The goal of the Green Mumbuca is to provide opportunities for companies and citizens to gain from nature conservation in Maricá and elsewhere. Through this platform, companies and individuals can obtain certification seals for investing in sustainable practices, ensuring benefits associated with a healthy environment.

Companies have solid reasons to be part of the Green Mumbuca, as it represents an intelligent, accessible and secure mechanism to invest in nature conservation, demonstrating commitment and environmental responsibility. The growing market and consumer demand for sustainable practices makes investment in nature conservation a valuable asset, opening up new markets and building customer loyalty.

The Green Seal is awarded to companies and individuals, acting as a passport to access the benefits of the bioeconomy.

The environmental counterpart guaranteed by Green Mumbuca involves the conservation of native forest areas, remunerating rural producers and generating employment and income. The practical process involves accessing the platform, filling in data on resource consumption, converting this data into nature conservation assets and, finally, obtaining the Green Seal.

Sustainability Credit Units (SCUs) are nature conservation assets that can be used to obtain the Green Seal, open up markets and advantages, or can be kept as stock for future use. The sale of SCUs is also possible, giving participants flexibility.

Green Mumbuca is legally recognized, supported by national legislation and global covenants, with Financial Title on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3). The system’s innovation lies in its accessibility, allowing companies to obtain state-of-the-art certification without large investments, consultancies, or specific projects, which is especially beneficial for micro and small businesses.

The operation of Green Mumbuca is audited by SGS, the largest international environmental certifier, using blockchain to ensure security. The environmental area is conserved through verification by technicians, field auditors, satellite monitoring and normative practices involving various economic, social and governmental agents.

The scope of Green Mumbuca is not limited to the green areas of Maricá but extends to all over Brazil and the world. In the case of Maricá, areas such as Fazenda Nossa Senhora do Amparo, Cova da Onça, Fazenda São Sebastião and Gleba III-I, all part of the Atlantic Forest and totaling 534 hectares, are included for conservation, with other public and private areas gradually being incorporated.

Companies that adopt the Green Seal enjoy several practical benefits, such as the use of ESG practices (environmental, social and corporate governance), access to credit at reduced rates, green bonds as collateral for financing and preference in Codemar bids, among other public incentives.

The Green Mumbuca mechanism is aligned with national legislation, following the guidelines of the Federal Law on Payment for Environmental Services, the National Climate Change Policy, the Paris Agreement, and the Biodiversity Agreement. This innovative platform represents an effective and responsible way of involving companies and individuals in nature conservation, providing tangible benefits, and contributing to a more sustainable future.

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